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Calming Stress and Anxiety

The Lenio team • Mar 07, 2021

In today’s busy lives, we have gradually forgotten how to relax and de-stress.

Technological development has meant that the lines between work life and home life are blurred. When we leave work, we often take work home in the form of emails and documents stored on cloud. When we are on holiday, emails and texts are readily available to update us. There is no proper space and relaxation time for us.

Other demands of life also play a huge role in elevating our stress and anxiety levels. There is less time for exercise and fun. Lives are taken over by family worries, caring for others, getting the shopping in and for many of us, there is the added pressure of debt.

For students, there is the constant pressure of researching for essays, revising for exams and at the same time trying to ‘fit in’ with the crowd. Most of us are working longer hours and sleeping a lot less. It is therefore important, that in today’s busy world, we do find time to relax, de-stress and make time for ourselves.

"Most of us are working longer hours and sleeping less"

Here are a few ways to relax after a busy, stressful or anxious day: You can adapt these to suit your own unique situation.

1. Take some time every day to be yourself, to allow you to be you.

2. Listen to your favourite music.

3. Make yourself a warm drink and sit down.

4. Listen to how you’re feeling inside. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?”

5. Have a warm, soothing bath and while at it, light scented candles or find aromatherapy oils which you like

6. Watch a favourite film, even if it’s Shrek!

7. Allow yourself to celebrate getting through another day.

8. Dance or sing.

9. Make time to laugh.

10. Water the flowers in the garden.

11. Connect with nature, listen to the birds and the rustling of the leaves.

12. Slow your breathing down.

13. Draw a picture or do some colouring.

14. Listen to a meditation tape.

15. Switch off your phone and computer to give yourself some much needed space.

16. Chat with a friend.

17. Go for a walk or a run.

18. Any form of exercise is useful.

19. Socialise with supportive friends.

20. If you’re exhausted, allow yourself to sleep. It’s okay to sleep and recover your strength and energy.

by The Lenio team 10 Mar, 2021
Here's how to take back control of your time
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